Sunday, May 27, 2007

about Chien-Ming Wang:雖敗猶榮



洋基再這樣貧打 + 輸下去,投手再怎麼強也沒用吧,如果繼續一蹶不振、士氣低迷,連季後賽都沒辦法,更別想什麼世界大賽!

“If I don’t give up three runs in the first inning, the team has a chance to win.”

*New York Times
May 27, 2007
Angels 3, Yankees 1
Yankees’ Offense Goes Flat Against Angel

*Yahoo Sports / AP
May 26, 2007
LA Angels 3, NY Yankees 1
by Ben Walker


05/26/2007 5:54 PM ET
Yankees drop game, set to Angels
Wang settles down, but offense held to one run

by Bryan Hoch /

"For the first three innings, [Wang] had trouble locating, and then after that he just dug in," Torre said. "He's special. There's no question. He's not going to back off; he's going to keep fighting you, and he certainly put himself in a position to stop the damage and try to win a ballgame."

"He pitched a [heck] of a ballgame," Posada said. "He was tough all day. We had guys on base, but we couldn't score."

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