Sunday, September 10, 2006

about Chien-Ming Wang:17th win

After the game, Wang said he never expected to win 17 games this season, let alone with four starts remaining in September. When asked if he thinks he should be included in the Cy Young race, Wang modestly said, "No," but one of his opponents on Saturday believes otherwise.

"We look for strikeouts, we look for dominating pitchers, we look for dominating strikeout pitchers," ( Kevin ) Millar said." He consistently throws strikes, he consistently pounds the strike zone and he consistently gets ground balls. And he's got wins; what is he, 17-5? You can't overlook that. This guy is as dominating as there is going right now on the mound."

MLB洋基報導→ Wang becomes second 17-game winner
王建民が「野茂超え」 アジア2人目の17勝目
日文報導再添一條→ 周囲もサイ・ヤング賞期待 17勝目の王建民

***   ***   ***   ***

郭泓志首勝後,道奇隊總教練 Grady Little 立即表示,會繼續給他先發的機會。在英文報導中,也描述道奇對郭泓志的定位摸索了一段時間,可見即使教練雖是專業中的專業,對球員「識人之力」應該很有研究,但是要真正「知人善任」,也非易事。

MLB道奇報導→ Kuo's first start a smash for Dodgers
MLB日文報導→ ドジャースの台湾人左腕、メジャー初先発で初勝利

繼郭泓志的開張勝投後,今天洋基 vs.金鶯第二戰以 3-2 獲勝,阿民也驚險拿下本季第17勝,成為目前全大聯盟第二位拿到17勝的投手。此外,阿民已經破了野茂英雄16場勝投紀錄,在大聯盟亞洲投手的成績僅次於韓國朴贊浩的18場--這是日文報導的重點。

今天阿民前五局零失分,到第6局掉了一分,是優質先發;下場時總用球數還不到90球,真是精簡。不過我有點擔心阿民在第四局被打者 Markakis 擊球K到右邊大腿的情形。雖然他後來還是繼續投球,而且還投到第8局前1/3,但總覺得他走路有點怪怪的,希望真的沒問題才好。

還算有趣的是,美聯社的報導中,阿民的對手、也就是金鶯隊的投手 Adam Loewen 認為自己投球跟隊友的打擊表現其實都很不錯,偏偏今天有點衰、碰上「賽揚獎候選人」。

"We played a very good game defensively, and we swung the bats well. But we went up against a Cy Young candidate today."

ps:在日本職棒巨人隊擔任投手的姜建銘,昨晚拿到三連勝,這個週末看這些旅外球員的成就真是快樂呀~ ^_^

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