Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Vote for Chien-Ming Wang


雖然目前賽揚獎最熱門的候選人還是 Santana,不過在大聯盟官網的報導中,一樣是勝投王的阿民也是有上版面、被拿來討論滴。請看:

Chien-Ming Wang, Yankees
Why he might win: He has pitched with the savvy of a 40-year-old Greg Maddux, not like a 26-year-old culturally-challenged guy from Taiwan. Wang was remarkably consistent, going seven-plus innings in more than half of his starts, while posting two more wins as Randy Johnson but with an ERA much lower.

Why he might not: Voters love fireballers, which Wang is not, with only 65 strikeouts in 200 innings. Those reserving one vote for a Yankee will cast it for Rivera. Then again, everyone on the New York staff may be eclipsed by the Bombers' offense.

賽揚獎最後結果將於 Nov. 16 揭曉,無論如何,台灣球迷一定都會繼續支持阿民!另外,大聯盟官網也有讓網友投票選出2006年度棒球獎項,請各位觀眾上網投票

投票網頁打開後請點選 "starter" → "Chien-Ming Wang" → (綠底白字)VOTE NOW
接著要留下您的 email address 以及生辰八字【因為大聯盟說要13歲以上才可以投票啦】

對了,這個網路票選還有候選人的影音介紹哦,在網路上用力看阿民的感覺也很不錯呢 ^_^

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